
 I grew up in Jayanagar-an old neighborhood in Bangalore. It is was one of the most peaceful and serene neighborhoods in the city.Since every block had a park adjacent to it, nature, insects, birds, plants have been closely knit with my early memories. Some of these were of butterflies. Early morning, in summer season, I often saw dozens of blue and black butterflies gathered on the path in front of my neighbors' gates. They were actually puddling(absorbing minerals from the moist soil) but I didn't know that as a kid. I was curious so I grabbed one by its wing and brought it home to examine it closely from every possible angle, when I was satisfied I let it free. Yeah.. I was a ruthless kid! After I moved to an apartment, I floated away from the visually vivid silence; I got pulled into the concrete jungle. I don't regret moving into an apartment but Jayanagar had its own charm.

In the balcony I grew bougainvilleas whihc attracted spotted black- hard to catch- butterflies and weird larvae appeared out of nowhere on my bryophyllum plants every year. Every time I saw a larva or a butterfly I would google it and if possible take it home and rear it in my balcony, documenting each stage of its life. 

Take a sneak-peek into it:-

 Red Pierrot

Common grass yellow

Common Mormon(Swallowtail)

Ariadne Ariadne
Jezebel Butterfly