February 16, 2020

Feeding a butterfly

Feeding a butterfly

On 14th february, while returning from class I spotted a brown butterfly on the pavement behind the building. One of its wings was smaller than the other, so it was not able to fly for long distance. Surprisingly it was not afraid of me. It easily climbed on my palm and seemed very comfortable. So I brought it home to look at it closely.

What to feed?

Different species may need different food. For this case, I used honey and water solution in 1:7 ratio. take 1 drop of honey and mix it with 7 drops of water. Add a very tiny pinch of salt, It is not required and some species may not like it. Butterflies need minerals apart form the carbohydrates and proteins they get from the nectar. They generally gather around puddles, to absorb minerals. This is called puddling. It is a common misconception that its  proboscis is used to suck the nectar. It is actually used for absorbing the liquid, like a tissue paper.

How to feed?

To feed the honey-water solution gently place the butterfly near the liquid spread on a cloth or on a plate. If the butterfly doesn't start feeding on it, try to dip a cotton swab in the liquid and gently touch it to its proboscis. If the butterfly doesn't stretch out its proboscis then do not force it. It is maybe not hungry or feels uncomfortable or it is afraid. Be very gentle, DO NOT hold it by its wings, they are very delicate.

After feeding the butterfly, I kept it on the plants. It flew away after some time.

The butterfly feeds with the proboscis.

Notice how to handle the butterfly with hand without harming it.

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